Embrace Change with the Alexander Technique.

In a world that celebrates relentless effort, the Alexander Technique offers a different perspective.

Through tangible mindfulness techniques and somatic practices, this method empowers you to release chronic stress and tension, paving the way for a more balanced and fulfilled life.

Hands-On Support Available in Astoria, Queens & Manhattan

Virtual Options available for students outside of the NYC area.

With the Alexander Technique, you'll unlearn old patterns of thought and movement that have held you back. Rediscover ease and freedom in your daily life as you unwind physical and mental tensions accumulated from years of pushing yourself too hard.

It's time to unleash your full potential and become the best version of yourself—balanced, resilient, and fulfilled.

How Does it Work?

And How Will I Feel?

A certified Alexander Technique teacher uses a gentle touch to observe and guide you as you move in and out of a chair, walk about the room, and lie down on a table. Since we are often tightening more than necessary, students usually experience a pleasurable feeling of lightness and ease after a lesson when they are no longer holding onto all of the extra effort. The discoveries made in these simple explorations guide the next steps towards more strenuous or complex tasks and goals.

You can learn the Alexander Technique through private lessons, group classes, and guided explorations. Private lessons are the best way to get immediate feedback on your habits, but group classes and online content are a great way to supplement your practice.

Meet Your Teacher

Serena Venditto, m.AmSAT is an Alexander Technique Teacher and Somatic Educator certified by the American Society of the Alexander Technique (AmSAT). As someone who struggled with being told that she “needed to relax” and “wanted things too much”, Serena is excited to teach people how to work through perfectionism and fear of failure with the Alexander Technique. With over 1600 hours of training, she offers gentle hands-on instruction and guiding principles to support your journey toward greater presence and well-being.

You don’t have to want less, but you do have to work towards your goals in a new way.

Discover a New Path to Sustainable, Consistent Success

Are you caught in a cycle of pushing yourself to the limit, only to find it leads to burnout, stress, and physical pain? There's another way forward. I offer a unique approach that goes beyond traditional wellness methods. Rather than just offering relief and recovery, I provide an opportunity to learn a new way—a way to pursue your goals sustainably, with more presence, joy, and curiosity. Ask me more more about how we can achieve your goals together.